Night Moves
•Night Moves from (Exotic genetix)
• Night Moves from exotic genetix after the issue of Midnight Runtz that the manufacturer did not reveal its story, making people very interested in Midnight Runtz because they have to buy something to get it.
Midnight Runtz was born from Funky Charms x Runtz. It is unique as its own, that is, the sweet scent of whole candy, chocolate ice cream with mint. But the manufacturer never brought it to the market until there was a grower who bought the purchase that he set out to post until it was loud because its leaves are both large and very green and their flowers are purple
And within a short period of the flowering period of 7-8 weeks, it yielded a lot, and major changes occurred as he chose Scotty 2 HOTYY as the main body in 2022.
The first feeling you will get is the aroma of a little Aroma, followed by a chocolate chip, the cookie will have a sweet, fragrant feeling and clay effect, will feel relaxed and concentrate on what you are doing.
Please note: We do not support or promote products to children under the age of 20. This information is used for educational and medical use for patients with difficulty sleeping or others. And we do not encourage illegal use.
Warning: Marijuana is not encouraged to be used in public because marijuana smoke can be annoying and harmful to others, considered illegal if violated, imprisonment, or fined.